Take control of global logistics!
Become the owner of a logistics company delivering friendly and precise service to cities around the world.
Fulfill a city's delivery request using the trucks collected by you.
Build up more experience points in order to perform a variety of requests.
Freight transport system
• Freight is first collected at a distribution center, then transported to each city.
Distribution center setup
• A distribution center can be set up in an opened city.
• A city having a distribution center is a main logistics center, and surrounding cities' freight will be gathered in the city.
• Distribution centers can serve as a stepping stone to delivering long distances.
• Therefore, distribution centers should be strategically placed in order to complete deliveries more easily.
• Goods may be moved from one distribution center to another when they cannot be delivered at once to a certain location.
Distribution center garage upgrade
• Upgrade your distribution center's garage in order to deploy more trucks.
Distribution center warehouse upgrade
• You can upgrade the amount of freight that can be stored in a distribution center.
Truck upgrade
• Engine, chassis, and fuel tank of each truck can be upgraded.
• Truck attributes can be upgraded using parts..
• When you upgrade a truck, it can make freight transported faster and farther.
- This game doesn't require internet connection. You can play on offline.
• When playing the game while logging in to Google Plus, data will be saved on Google.
• Later, when you newly install the app, log in to Google Plus again and reload your saved data.
• If you delete the app without logging in to Google Plus, all data will be deleted.
• We do not collect any of your personal data.
Kendalikan logistik global!
Menjadi pemilik dari sebuah perusahaan logistik memberikan layanan yang ramah dan tepat ke kota-kota di seluruh dunia.
Memenuhi permintaan pengiriman kota menggunakan truk yang dikumpulkan oleh Anda.
Membangun lebih banyak pengalaman poin untuk melakukan berbagai permintaan.
Pengangkutan sistem transportasi
• Freight pertama kali dikumpulkan pada pusat distribusi, kemudian diangkut ke masing-masing kota.
Distribusi pusat pengaturan
• Sebuah pusat distribusi dapat diatur di kota dibuka.
• Sebuah kota yang memiliki pusat distribusi adalah pusat logistik utama, dan angkutan kota-kota sekitarnya 'akan berkumpul di kota.
• Pusat Distribusi dapat berfungsi sebagai batu loncatan untuk memberikan jarak jauh.
• Oleh karena itu, pusat-pusat distribusi harus ditempatkan secara strategis untuk menyelesaikan pengiriman lebih mudah.
• Barang dapat dipindahkan dari satu pusat distribusi yang lain ketika mereka tidak dapat dikirimkan sekaligus ke lokasi tertentu.
pusat Distribusi Upgrade garasi
• upgrade garasi pusat distribusi Anda dalam rangka untuk menyebarkan lebih banyak truk.
Distribusi pusat gudang meng-upgrade
• Anda dapat meng-upgrade jumlah barang yang dapat disimpan di sebuah pusat distribusi.
Upgrade Truck
• Mesin, sasis, dan tangki bahan bakar masing-masing truk dapat ditingkatkan.
• atribut Truck dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan bagian ..
• Ketika Anda meng-upgrade truk, dapat membuat barang diangkut lebih cepat dan lebih jauh.
- Game ini tidak memerlukan koneksi internet. Anda dapat bermain di offline.
• Saat memainkan permainan saat log in ke Google Plus, data akan disimpan pada Google.
• Kemudian, ketika Anda baru menginstal aplikasi, masuk ke Google Plus lagi dan kembali data yang tersimpan.
• Jika Anda menghapus app tanpa log in ke Google Plus, semua data akan dihapus.
• Kami tidak mengumpulkan data pribadi Anda.
Take control of global logistics!
Become the owner of a logistics company delivering friendly and precise service to cities around the world.
Fulfill a city's delivery request using the trucks collected by you.
Build up more experience points in order to perform a variety of requests.
Freight transport system
• Freight is first collected at a distribution center, then transported to each city.
Distribution center setup
• A distribution center can be set up in an opened city.
• A city having a distribution center is a main logistics center, and surrounding cities' freight will be gathered in the city.
• Distribution centers can serve as a stepping stone to delivering long distances.
• Therefore, distribution centers should be strategically placed in order to complete deliveries more easily.
• Goods may be moved from one distribution center to another when they cannot be delivered at once to a certain location.
Distribution center garage upgrade
• Upgrade your distribution center's garage in order to deploy more trucks.
Distribution center warehouse upgrade
• You can upgrade the amount of freight that can be stored in a distribution center.
Truck upgrade
• Engine, chassis, and fuel tank of each truck can be upgraded.
• Truck attributes can be upgraded using parts..
• When you upgrade a truck, it can make freight transported faster and farther.
- This game doesn't require internet connection. You can play on offline.
• When playing the game while logging in to Google Plus, data will be saved on Google.
• Later, when you newly install the app, log in to Google Plus again and reload your saved data.
• If you delete the app without logging in to Google Plus, all data will be deleted.
• We do not collect any of your personal data.